We use handwriting to keep track of our daily to-dos lists. Do you know that the way you write can also reveal a lot about who you are? Handwriting has been used as a way of communication for years. Recently its links to the brain activity and the psychological aspects of humans have been studied. Do you know that love compatibility can also be judged basing on just your handwriting? Is your partner the right individual for you? You may have been focusing on the astrological signs of finding out whether you are in love with the right individual. Be amazed that your handwriting too discloses more about your relationship and love match than you were ever aware of.Graphology is the analysis of the physical characteristics of handwriting to gain insight on the personality, psychological state, and emotional state of the writer. Such handwriting analysis uncovers personality traits that are mostly subconsciously expressed. It is also used within individual psychotherapy, marital counseling, or vocational counseling.Handwriting Analysis Personality test or quiz is crafted to quickly and accurately determine your personality type. It works just like the Briggs Myers theory. We can know more about our personality types and those of your close ones. As a result, we can increase our understanding of reactions to situations and know how to best communicate with them on a level which they will understand."Every letter symbolizes something to do with whats going on in your mind," says graphologist Michelle Dresbold. "People think handwriting analysis is like voodoo or tea leaves; its not. Its body movement from your brain. Its very logical."If youre tempted to put your handwriting under the microscope, why not use this application to analyze your writing? Answer questions on your writing to reveal your personality and emotional state.Take a handwriting personality or psychological test to get an accurate description of who you are and why you do things the way you do. You get to know more about your personality type, your intelligence, your psychological state, your interpersonal skills, and more! Graphology personality test is scientifically validated and reliable psychological model to measure personality. Find out if you are self-confidence, prone for depression, what is your personality type, and if you have the ability to understand people. Discover your strengths and weaknesses better. Be aware of the causes of conflicts in your family and more.Features:Detailed analysis of your answers in each testShare your results with family and friendsPsychological testsPsychology QuizKnow yourself and find out the aspects of your characterDiscover more about your relationship with the opposite sex and sexual temperamentDetermine if your relationship will last long and if you are falling in love or affectionsociability testCareer analysis, discover your dream jobIQ test, Intelligence testsConsistency testSuccess in marriageSpecial talents